Many people have asked what our plans are since large gatherings are not happening currently and many churches and groups will not be planning events for a while. As we wait to find out what the future of Blessing Bags will look like, we are continuing on our journey and are currently in Nashville, Tennessee. Over the next few months, we will make our way to California. While there, Michael plans to finish up a degree program in nonprofit administration. Our family is making and distributing Blessing Bags at each location, including a new addition to the Acts of Kindness Blessing Bags… a face mask. May the Lord use these Blessing Bags to bless, encourage, and ultimately bring many to faith in Jesus. Please pray for us as we seek to go, make disciples, and baptize in the name of Jesus!
Serving Together
We wanted to share a simple way to serve. It’s fun for all ages. Cards can be an easy and meaningful way to bless others. As we continue to make care packages during these unusual times, we would love for you to help by making cards. Cards give each bag a personal touch, showing them that someone cares. Be creative with your cards and have fun! You may include Bible verses or just a brief encouraging message. Please send your cards to us at the following address:
Blessing Bags International
PO Box 30919
Alexandria, VA 22310
Your support helps make what we do possible. Amazon Smile is an easy way for you to be a part of what we are doing. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon purchases. Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know, including the same products, prices, and service.
To sign in and shop from your Amazon account CLICK HERE and Amazon will make a donation to Blessing Bags International!
To make a tax-deductible donation to Blessing Bags International, click here. To donate via mail, make a check payable to “Blessing Bags International” and mail your donation to PO Box 30919, Alexandria, VA 22310.
Amazon Wishlist
Visit our Amazon Wishlist to purchase supplies for Blessing Bags. Your prayers and financial support is such a blessing and encouragement to us.